Friday, February 18, 2011


Dear Friends in Christ,


We are all in the beginning of 2011 with the grand expectations, what is going to happen in our life spiritually also financially. Many of us might have come across different kind of failures in our life. Many of us might have got annoyed even tried to give an end to life because of our shame of failures. Our neighbors and kindred might have showed their faces by pinpointing our failures. Now we are in 2011 with a question what would be next in my life?

When God created First Adam, he deceived his purpose of creation it was a great failure for God’s creation but God did not felt bad for it he gave another chance to Adam to live and bear fruit. When Jesus came to the earth as a second Adam it was a great victory for God’s creation, Jesus won the human kind.

Many of us asking the same question during our failures; why did it happen to me? I walk in the path of righteous then why did God let me down by giving this failure before my enemies. Even me I have walk through the same sorrows and dry wilders. Yes my friend God’s word says that “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways”- (Isaiah 55:8). God’s ways are unique and which has no sorrows. Always believe that we may have darkness today but there is a dawn waiting for us.  Psalm 30:5 says "weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning." have not ever seen, there is a silver line of light around the darkness?

One day I visited my friend in his home who is a guitar player, after a long chat i told him to play a song for me. While taking his guitar he said that even he did not touch his guitar for a long time. While he played a guitar it gave wrong note it did not sound good. He said that the guitar was tuned; he started tuning the guitar by tightening the strings. The strings were rolled and tightened then he played it was awesome. When we confined with problem just think that you are getting refined.
Here is an Answer for you with my experience that “Failure makes you Finest”. Yes! God makes a man as a Finest through failures. We might have come through with the bitter experience which separated us from God and our dear ones. But the truth is Failure is the supreme instrument that one can have to revive and rebuild.
For I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope-(Jeremiah 29:11)

I challenge you that our God will change your entire test as testimonies. Walk in his plan because he has a master plan for us and we are the master piece in God’s hand. God created this universe out of nothing and he can also create new things out of nothing. Here I remember song lyrics

"God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength
For each new day"

Many of us mourning in our daily life that I live as per scriptures, even though I am facing failures, I am falling again and again into shame, My enemies are laugh when I fall and fail.
Here is an encouraging truth for you “A righteous man falls seven times, and rises again” – Proverb 24:16.

One fine evening I was sitting in the park, I saw a 2 years old baby boy trying to walk around out of delight but he was falling in the ground several times. He wishes to go wherever his vision goes but he is not strengthened enough to go alone. Finally, his mother took his hand and walking around the park he was safe and his heart filled with joy. Oh yes, here we are. When God holds our hands, the failure vanishes like a snow in the sun. Always hold the hand of the lord of the successful life.

May God bless us.

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