India is a country which has the enormous heritage but it’s divided with Caste, Color, Race, also the variations of have and have not. So Many people are living without hope and going behind Idols as for their God and Hope. Living Hope Ministry in Tamilnadu started with vision of  bringing good news of hope to those people and especially among the kids saying Jesus is the only living Hope and Living God.

Living Hope Ministries believes that today’s Children are Tomorrows believers of Christ. It has vision of Jesus Christ transmitted to Peter in John 21:15 “Feed My Lambs”. Here Jesus denotes Lambs as Children

What We Believe

We believe in THE APOSTLES CREED as the fundamental facts of Christian faith. We also believe in
1.    The Word of God        II Timothy 3:16
2.    The Trinity                   Genesis 1:1, 26
3.    God the Father             Luke 10:21, 22
4.    Jesus Christ                   Matthew 1:18-25
5.    The Holy Spirit            John 14:16, 17
6.    Regeneration                Romans 8:1
7.    The Church                  Hebrews 10:23-25
8.    Christian Conduct       I Corinthians 10:31
9.    The Ordinances            Matthew 28:18-20
10. The Last Things             Matthew 16:27
Missions of LHM

Children Ministry
Mission: Children are the real wealth of the Country and souls for the Kingdom of God. Living Hope Ministries having burden having burden on the children staying in orphanage homes and its mission:
i  To demonstrate that in God's eyes all are equal 
i  To share the gospel of Jesus Christ 
i  To minister to an unjustly victimized people 
Future Visionwith much prayer and vision we are preparing ourselves to have a “Happy Homes” for destitute children, empowering their life. 
Transgender Ministry

Mission: Transgender Community is the forsaken community in India, no care, no rights, not treated as equal human being. These Transgender are “women trapped in a male body”. LHM has a special burden for them and fighting for their equality. 

Rev. Rajan has special calling and commitment towards them. Many have accepted Christ through the Gospel shared by him

Future Vision: We keep praying to have an “Old Age Home” for destitute Transgender.
Note: So far, that there is no Old Age Home for transgender in India.  

Children Ministry

Vision: LHM vision to have a church in any village where there is no church and to be a pastor there with his scholarly teachings and preaching. So far No qualified theologian in village churches, so he is committed to his ministry towards villages
Living  Hope  Ministries  is  registered  with  the  State  and  Union  Governments  of  India,  as  a Religious Charitable Trust. Our accounts are well managed and are audited regularly by a well-Recognized chartered accountant. 

President: D.Rajan Immanuel 
D.Rajan Immanuel, with over 7 years of experience in Pastoral and Teaching ministry, Involved with various missions with leadership responsibilities and administration, has taken full responsibility to mobilize this vision to reach the un-reached by all means at any cost without any more delay.  

Secretary: Miss Olga Aaron 
Olga is a Transgender woman, being a social worker.

Treasurer: Mr. Sundar Singh
Mr.Sundar Singh, An accountant in a big firm in Chennai. 

Along with the above mentioned, several other committed Disciples of Jesus Christ from various Walks of life are included in the team. 

YES, you can be a partner, even though you may not be directly involved. You can help us to reach the destitute children by expressing your support through prayer, concern, suggestions, Children Ministry materials and financial help. Here is an opportunity for your fellowship or Church to become involved as a partner in our growing ministry. Times are changing and many Christians are being persecuted for their beliefs, so this is a most opportune and exciting time to be involved in the Lord's ministry.

Even you can talk to your Church leaders about the possibility of supporting us by joining our projects, and we will be very happy to receive your suggestions and help, to go forth in this God given ministry.
Please Pray for our Ministries, All Glory and Honor to Jesus Christ our Lord!!! 


LHM is Against "Child Labour" - Stop Child Labour